How to Post Videos on LinkedIn Like a Pro

Ever wondered how some LinkedIn videos gain so much traction? Posting videos on LinkedIn like a pro isn't just for big brands—anyone can do it with the right approach. Let’s dive into some practical tips to get your LinkedIn videos noticed and appreciated.

The Basics of Posting a Video on LinkedIn

To make the most out of LinkedIn’s video feature, it’s important to start with the fundamentals. Here's a detailed look at the basic steps involved in posting a video on LinkedIn, ensuring your content reaches its intended audience effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Posting a Video

  1. Log into LinkedIn: First, ensure you’re logged into your LinkedIn account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to sign up, which is a straightforward process.
  2. Navigate to the Homepage: Once logged in, go to your LinkedIn homepage. You’ll see the option to start a post at the top of your feed.
  3. Create a Post: Click on the “Start a post” button. A new window will pop up, allowing you to compose your post.
  4. Add Your Video: Click on the video icon (a small camera) in the post window. This will open your device’s file explorer. Select the video file you want to upload and click “Open” or “Upload” to attach it to your post​.
  5. Craft a Compelling Description: Write a description for your video. This is crucial as it gives context to your viewers. Include relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engagement. Use a clear call to action (CTA) to guide your audience on what you want them to do next—whether it’s to comment, share, or visit your website​.
  6. Publish Your Post: After adding the video and description, review your post to ensure everything looks good. Once satisfied, click the “Post” button to share your video with your LinkedIn network.

Important Considerations

  • Video Specifications: LinkedIn supports a variety of video formats, but for best results, use MP4. The maximum file size is 5GB, and the duration can be up to 10 minutes, though shorter videos generally perform better​.
  • Thumbnail Selection: LinkedIn automatically selects a thumbnail for your video, but you can choose a different frame as the thumbnail by editing the video settings before posting. This can help attract more viewers by giving them a glimpse of the video content.
  • Privacy Settings: Choose who can see your video by selecting from public, connections only, or specific groups. This ensures your video reaches the right audience.

Optimize Your Video Content

Creating a video is just the first step. To ensure your video stands out and engages your audience on LinkedIn, you need to optimize it effectively. Here’s how you can make your videos more appealing and impactful.

Keep It Short and Engaging

The attention span of online viewers is short. Studies suggest that the optimal length for LinkedIn videos is between 30 to 90 seconds. This time frame is long enough to convey your message without losing viewers' interest. Start with the most important information to grab attention quickly​.

  • Focus on Key Points: Begin with a strong hook to draw viewers in. Avoid unnecessary introductions and get straight to the point. Deliver your key message early in the video.
  • Use Visuals Wisely: Incorporate compelling visuals to maintain interest. This could include graphics, text overlays, or quick cuts to different scenes. Visual variety keeps viewers engaged.
  • Tell a Story: People love stories. Even in a short video, you can tell a mini-story that connects emotionally with your audience. This could be a success story, a customer testimonial, or a quick tutorial that solves a problem.

Use Captions

Many users watch videos with the sound off, especially when they are in public or in a noisy environment. Adding captions ensures your message is understood even without sound​.

  • Automatic Captioning Tools: Use tools like LinkedIn’s native captioning feature or third-party apps to add subtitles to your videos.
  • Clear and Readable Fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read. Avoid fancy fonts that may look good but are hard to read quickly.
  • Synchronize Captions: Ensure that the captions are synchronized with the video. Misaligned captions can confuse viewers and detract from the viewing experience.

Brand Your Videos

Branding helps in creating a consistent identity and makes your content easily recognizable. Here’s how you can incorporate branding into your videos:

  • Logo Placement: Include your company logo or personal brand mark in the corner of the video. This subtly reminds viewers of your brand without being intrusive​,
  • Consistent Style: Use consistent colors, fonts, and music across all your videos. This helps in building a cohesive brand image.
  • Intro and Outro: Add a brief intro and outro that features your brand. This could be as simple as a 3-second animation of your logo at the start and end of the video.

Optimize for Mobile Viewing

A significant portion of LinkedIn users access the platform via mobile devices. Hence, it’s crucial to ensure your videos are mobile-friendly.

  • Vertical Format: LinkedIn prefers videos in a vertical or square format, as they take up more screen space and are easier to view on mobile devices.
  • Preview on Mobile: Always preview your video on a mobile device before posting. This helps you see how it will look to most of your audience and make any necessary adjustments.

Add a Compelling Call to Action

Every video should have a clear purpose. What do you want your viewers to do after watching your video? A strong call to action (CTA) guides them on the next steps.

  • Direct and Clear: Whether you want them to visit your website, comment, share, or contact you, make sure your CTA is clear and direct.
  • Visually Highlighted: Use text overlays or end screens to highlight your CTA. This makes it easy for viewers to understand what action they should take next.

Best Practices for Professional Quality

Creating a professional-quality video for LinkedIn doesn’t require a Hollywood studio budget. With the right techniques and tools, you can produce videos that look polished and professional, enhancing your brand image.

High-Quality Production

Investing in some basic equipment can significantly improve the quality of your videos:

  • Camera and Microphone: Use a good quality camera. Most modern smartphones have excellent cameras capable of shooting high-definition video. For audio, consider using an external microphone. Clear audio is often more important than video quality because poor sound can make your video hard to understand​.
  • Lighting: Good lighting is crucial. Natural light is your best friend, so try to shoot your videos near a window. If that’s not possible, invest in affordable softbox lights or ring lights. Avoid harsh shadows and make sure your face is well-lit​.
  • Stable Shots: Use a tripod to keep your camera steady. Shaky videos can look unprofessional and distract viewers from your message.

Consistent Branding

Brand consistency helps in building recognition and trust. Here are some tips to maintain a consistent brand identity in your videos:

  • Colors and Fonts: Use the same colors and fonts that are part of your brand’s identity. This consistency helps in making your videos instantly recognizable.
  • Logo and Watermark: Place your logo or a watermark on your videos. This can be done subtly in the corner so it doesn’t distract but still reinforces your brand.
  • Intro and Outro: Create a standard intro and outro for your videos. This could be a brief animation of your logo or a signature sign-off. It makes your videos look more polished and professional.

Authenticity Over Perfection

While it’s important to produce high-quality videos, don’t obsess over perfection. Authenticity often resonates more with viewers:

  • Natural Presentation: Be yourself in front of the camera. Speak naturally and don’t be afraid to show your personality. This helps in building a connection with your audience.
  • Real Backgrounds: Don’t worry about having a perfect background. A clean, tidy space is enough. Sometimes, showing a bit of your real environment can make your video feel more relatable and authentic.
  • Engage with Mistakes: If you make a minor mistake, don’t stress. Small imperfections can make your videos feel more genuine and human.

Editing and Post-Production

Editing can transform your raw footage into a polished final product. Here are some tips for effective video editing:

  • Simple Editing Tools: Use simple video editing software that you feel comfortable with. There are many user-friendly options available, such as iMovie for Mac users or Filmora for both Mac and Windows users. These tools allow you to cut, trim, and add basic effects and transitions.
  • Add Music and Effects: Background music can enhance the mood of your video. Make sure the music is not too loud and doesn’t overpower your voice. Also, add effects like text overlays or transitions to make your video more engaging.
  • Keep it Concise: Trim unnecessary parts to keep your video concise and to the point. Viewers appreciate videos that respect their time and deliver value quickly.

Engaging Your Audience

Creating a video and uploading it to LinkedIn is just the start. Engaging with your audience is crucial for building connections and driving further interaction. Here are some effective strategies to engage your audience on LinkedIn through your videos.

Respond to Comments

Engagement doesn’t end once your video is posted. Actively responding to comments on your video is essential for building relationships and fostering a sense of community.

  • Timely Responses: Aim to respond to comments promptly. This shows your audience that you value their input and are attentive to their feedback.
  • Personal Touch: Personalize your responses when possible. Address commenters by their names and respond thoughtfully to their questions or feedback. This can make your audience feel more valued and connected to you.
  • Encourage Dialogue: Ask questions and encourage further discussion in the comments. This not only keeps the conversation going but also boosts engagement on your post.

Call to Action (CTA)

Every video should have a clear purpose. Guide your viewers on what to do next by including a strong call to action.

  • Clear and Direct: Your CTA should be clear and direct. Whether you want viewers to visit your website, share the video, comment, or reach out to you, make sure it’s straightforward​ .
  • Visually Highlighted: Use text overlays or end screens to highlight your CTA. This helps in making the desired action obvious to your viewers.
  • Multiple CTAs: If your video covers multiple points, consider having different CTAs throughout. For example, after discussing a specific topic, you might ask viewers to comment their thoughts, and at the end of the video, you might direct them to your website for more information.

Engaging Content Ideas

Keep your content fresh and engaging by experimenting with different types of videos:

  • Tutorials and How-Tos: Share practical advice and step-by-step guides relevant to your industry. This type of content is highly valuable and often shared widely​.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give your audience a peek behind the curtains of your business. This can humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience.
  • Customer Testimonials: Feature your customers and their success stories. This not only provides social proof but also engages viewers through relatable stories.

Interaction Beyond Comments

Engagement can go beyond just responding to comments on your videos:

  • LinkedIn Polls: Use LinkedIn’s poll feature to engage your audience with questions related to your video content. This can spark discussions and give you valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and opinions.
  • LinkedIn Articles: Write LinkedIn articles related to your video content and embed the videos within these articles. This can drive more traffic to your videos and provide a more in-depth understanding of the topics covered.
  • Direct Messages: If a viewer leaves a particularly insightful comment or has a question that requires a detailed response, consider sending them a direct message. This can lead to more meaningful interactions and build stronger professional relationships.

Monitor and Analyze Engagement

To continually improve your engagement, monitor and analyze the performance of your videos:

  • LinkedIn Analytics: Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the performance of your videos. Look at metrics like views, comments, shares, and likes to understand what’s working and what’s not​.
  • Feedback Loop: Use the insights gained from analytics to refine your content strategy. Pay attention to the types of videos that get the most engagement and the feedback provided by your audience to improve future content.

Advanced Tips for LinkedIn Video Success

To truly excel at posting videos on LinkedIn, beyond the basics and engagement strategies, you need to adopt some advanced techniques. These tips can help maximize the impact of your videos and ensure they reach the right audience effectively.

Batch Filming

Batch filming is a time-efficient way to produce multiple videos in one session. This method helps maintain consistency and saves time in setting up your filming environment repeatedly​.

  • Plan Your Content: Before you start filming, plan out several video topics. Write scripts or outlines for each video so you can move seamlessly from one to the next during your filming session.
  • Consistent Setup: Keep your filming setup the same for all videos in the batch. This ensures a consistent look and feel across your videos, which helps in maintaining a professional appearance.
  • Efficiency: Batch filming allows you to focus on production in one go, freeing up more time for editing and other tasks later. This efficiency can significantly streamline your content creation process.

Content Ideas from Interactions

Drawing inspiration from your audience’s interactions can lead to highly relevant content. Here’s how to use feedback and comments to generate video ideas:

  • Monitor Comments: Pay attention to the comments and questions your audience leaves on your videos. These can provide valuable insights into what topics are of interest and what questions need answering​.
  • Voice Memos: When you come across a good comment or idea, use your phone’s voice memo feature to record a quick note. This method helps you capture ideas on the fly without disrupting your workflow.
  • Engage Directly: Occasionally, ask your audience directly what topics they’d like to see covered in future videos. This not only gives you content ideas but also increases engagement by involving your audience in the content creation process.

Mobile Optimization

Given that a large portion of LinkedIn users access the platform via mobile devices, optimizing your videos for mobile viewing is crucial​.

  • Vertical or Square Format: Vertical and square videos perform better on mobile as they take up more screen space and are easier to watch. Consider these formats to enhance mobile viewing experience.
  • Preview on Mobile: Always preview your videos on a mobile device before posting. This step ensures that your video looks good on smaller screens and that text and other elements are readable.
  • Subtitles and Captions: Ensure your videos have subtitles, as many mobile users watch videos with the sound off. Subtitles make your content accessible to a wider audience and improve engagement.

Leveraging LinkedIn’s Features

LinkedIn offers several features that can help boost the visibility and impact of your videos:

  • LinkedIn Articles: Write articles related to your video content and embed the videos within these articles. This not only provides additional context but also drives traffic to your videos from different parts of the platform.
  • LinkedIn Stories: Use LinkedIn Stories to give short, quick updates or teasers about your video content. This feature can help generate interest and drive more views to your main videos.
  • Hashtags and Tags: Use relevant hashtags and tag people or companies mentioned in your videos. This increases the chances of your video being discovered by a broader audience.

Analyze and Adjust

Continuous improvement is key to success on LinkedIn. Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the performance of your videos and make data-driven decisions for future content.

  • View Metrics: Pay attention to metrics like views, engagement rates, and viewer demographics. These insights can help you understand who is watching your videos and how they are interacting with your content.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different video lengths, formats, and posting times to see what works best for your audience. Use A/B testing to compare different approaches and refine your strategy.
  • Feedback Loop: Use the feedback from your audience to continuously improve your videos. Adjust your content based on what resonates most with your viewers and stay responsive to their needs and preferences.

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